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This project is mirrored from https://*****:***** Pull mirroring updated .
  • location_macos-v5.0.0-dev.1
     - **FEAT**: ready version macos.
     - **FEAT**: remove useless tests thanks to Pigeon.
     - **FEAT**: first version 5 commit.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: update documentation.
     - **DOCS**: add documentation to code.
  • location-v5.0.0-dev.1
     - **REFACTOR**: remove Android strings.
     - **REFACTOR**: extract background notification logic to separate class.
     - **FIX**: fix android crash on Android API 27, #579.
     - **FIX**: fix location package test.
     - **FIX**: add compatibility version to target Java 8.
     - **FIX**: wait 2 location updates to make sure that the last knwown position isn't returned instantly #549.
     - **FIX**: fix the depreciation warning on android #550.
     - **FIX**: improve changeSettings to be applied immediatly.
     - **FEAT**: change settings.
     - **FEAT**: ready with CLocationManager.
     - **FEAT**: initialize the ios package.
     - **FEAT**: readying docs.
     - **FEAT**: dialog with AppCompat.
     - **FEAT**: support for coarse location.
     - **FEAT**: get permission status.
     - **FEAT**: update example app to showcase Android notification options.
     - **FEAT**: implement setLocationSettings.
     - **FEAT**: implement onLocationChanged.
     - **FEAT**: first version 5 commit.
     - **FEAT**: ready for flutter 3.
     - **FEAT**: support android 12 in example app.
     - **FEAT**: improve coverage.
     - **FEAT**: handle notification changes in Android MethodCallHandler.
     - **FEAT**: settings mapping.
     - **FEAT**: add web demo.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android background notification from dart.
     - **FEAT**: unify into one pigeon file.
     - **FEAT**: remove useless tests thanks to Pigeon.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: activate web.
     - **FEAT**: Update to null safety.
     - **FEAT**: fix typos.
     - **FEAT**: add ios requirements.
     - **FEAT**: improve example app.
     - **FEAT**: separate result variables to prevent result override.
     - **FEAT**: add isMock information on LocationData.
     - **FEAT**: add fallback for LocationAccuracy.reduced on Android.
     - **FEAT**: add option to reopen app from notification.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android notification text, subtext and color.
     - **FEAT**: return notification and channel id when changing options.
     - **FEAT**: better listen example to prevent infinite location request.
     - **DOCS**: add documentation to code.
     - **DOCS**: update documentation.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
  • location_android-v5.0.0-dev.1
     - **FEAT**: unify into one pigeon file.
     - **FEAT**: remove useless tests thanks to Pigeon.
     - **FEAT**: using SwiftLocation.
     - **FEAT**: initialize the ios package.
     - **FEAT**: readying docs.
     - **FEAT**: dialog with AppCompat.
     - **FEAT**: support for coarse location.
     - **FEAT**: get permission status.
     - **FEAT**: set settings for individual location settings.
     - **FEAT**: change settings of onLocationChanged.
     - **FEAT**: change settings.
     - **FEAT**: implement setLocationSettings.
     - **FEAT**: implement onLocationChanged.
     - **FEAT**: first version 5 commit.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: update documentation.
     - **DOCS**: add documentation to code.
  • location_ios-v5.0.0-dev.1
     - **FEAT**: unify into one pigeon file.
     - **FEAT**: remove useless tests thanks to Pigeon.
     - **FEAT**: settings mapping.
     - **FEAT**: using SwiftLocation.
     - **FEAT**: ready with CLocationManager.
     - **FEAT**: initialize the ios package.
     - **FEAT**: first version 5 commit.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: update documentation.
     - **DOCS**: add documentation to code.
  • location_platform_interface-v5.0.0-dev.1
     - **FIX**: add platform tests.
     - **FIX**: fix tests.
     - **FIX**: fix the depreciation warning on android #550.
     - **FEAT**: unify into one pigeon file.
     - **FEAT**: remove useless tests thanks to Pigeon.
     - **FEAT**: initialize the ios package.
     - **FEAT**: dialog with AppCompat.
     - **FEAT**: support for coarse location.
     - **FEAT**: get permission status.
     - **FEAT**: set settings for individual location settings.
     - **FEAT**: change settings.
     - **FEAT**: implement setLocationSettings.
     - **FEAT**: implement onLocationChanged.
     - **FEAT**: first version 5 commit.
     - **FEAT**: improve coverage.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: improve LocationData doc.
     - **FEAT**: improve example app.
     - **FEAT**: add isMock information on LocationData.
     - **FEAT**: add fallback for LocationAccuracy.reduced on Android.
     - **FEAT**: add option to reopen app from notification.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android notification text, subtext and color.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android background notification from dart.
     - **FEAT**: Update to null safety.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: update documentation.
     - **DOCS**: add documentation to code.
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
  • location_web-v5.0.0-dev.1
    > Note: This release has breaking changes.
     - **FIX**: remove unused android and ios project in location_web.
     - **FEAT**: unify into one pigeon file.
     - **FEAT**: remove useless tests thanks to Pigeon.
     - **FEAT**: web support.
     - **FEAT**: activate web.
     - **FEAT**: first version 5 commit.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: add option to reopen app from notification.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android notification text, subtext and color.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android background notification from dart.
     - **FEAT**: Update to null safety.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: writing docs for version 5.
     - **DOCS**: update documentation.
     - **DOCS**: add documentation to code.
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
     - **BREAKING** **REFACTOR**: update the location_web flutter dependency to >=1.20.0 in order to remove placeholder folders.
  • location-v4.4.0
     - **FEAT**: support android 12 in example app.
  • location-v4.3.0
     - **FIX**: fix location package test.
     - **FEAT**: improve coverage.
  • location_platform_interface-v2.3.0
     - **FIX**: add platform tests.
     - **FIX**: fix tests.
     - **FEAT**: improve coverage.
  • location_web-v3.1.1
     - Update a dependency to the latest release.
  • location-v4.2.3
  • location-v4.2.2
  • location-v4.2.1
     - **FIX**: add compatibility version to target Java 8.
  • location-v4.2.0
     - **REFACTOR**: remove Android strings.
     - **REFACTOR**: extract background notification logic to separate class.
     - **FIX**: wait 2 location updates to make sure that the last knwown position isn't returned instantly #549.
     - **FIX**: fix the depreciation warning on android #550.
     - **FIX**: improve changeSettings to be applied immediatly.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: better listen example to prevent infinite location request.
     - **FEAT**: fix typos.
     - **FEAT**: add ios requirements.
     - **FEAT**: improve example app.
     - **FEAT**: separate result variables to prevent result override.
     - **FEAT**: add isMock information on LocationData.
     - **FEAT**: add fallback for LocationAccuracy.reduced on Android.
     - **FEAT**: add option to reopen app from notification.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android notification text, subtext and color.
     - **FEAT**: update example app to showcase Android notification options.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android background notification from dart.
     - **FEAT**: handle notification changes in Android MethodCallHandler.
     - **FEAT**: return notification and channel id when changing options.
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
  • location_platform_interface-v2.2.0
     - **FIX**: fix the depreciation warning on android #550.
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
     - **FEAT**: improve LocationData doc.
     - **FEAT**: improve example app.
     - **FEAT**: add isMock information on LocationData.
     - **FEAT**: add fallback for LocationAccuracy.reduced on Android.
     - **FEAT**: add option to reopen app from notification.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android notification text, subtext and color.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android background notification from dart.
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
  • location_web-v3.1.0
     - **FEAT**: add several information to resolve #552.
  • location_web-v3.0.0
    > Note: This release has breaking changes.
     - **FEAT**: add option to reopen app from notification.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android notification text, subtext and color.
     - **FEAT**: allow for customizing Android background notification from dart.
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
     - **BREAKING** **REFACTOR**: update the location_web flutter dependency to >=1.20.0 in order to remove placeholder folders.
  • location_platform_interface-v2.0.1
     - **DOCS**: update readme web.
     - **CHORE**: publish packages.
  • v4.0.0
  • v3.2.3
    6a1bbe85 · Update to 3.2.3 ·